Sharpen the saw

In Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, habit number 7 involves what he calls Sharpening the Saw.  Simply put, it is the habit of self-renewal, the that allows you to keep doing all of the other hard work  that demands most of your life.   No one else can do this for you, in fact most of the people in your life are placing demands on you and your available time that will take you away from any investments you want to make for yourself. You are the instrument and in order to keep working effectively, you need to take time to regularly invest in your physical, social, mental, and spiritual renewal or improvement. There are four dimensions that you want to focus on physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual, and you want to put equal attention towards each.  Over the month of March, we will take time to dive into each of these categories and build a better awareness on what it means to spend time sharpening the saw in each

Investing in yourself is the  single most powerful investment you can make in life, because you ultimately are engine of the car that is your life.  And if you don’t take time to do some routine maintenance on yourself, you will quickly find that things start breaking down.    More to come.


Sharpen the saw: physically


Why can't I just eat the same fruits and vegetables everyday?